Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Aspiring Artist

Here are some pictures of Makenna from the other day. She found the pencil that Matthew bought her in Disney and wanted to hold it. I thought, sure, what harm is in that....oh, I had no idea. I was cleaning up the kitchen and when I turned around I couldn't believe my eyes. Makenna was standing at the kitchen wall, coloring on the wall with her pencil. I had to do a double take and make sure it wasn't Madison standing there...(hahahaha J/J)....but no, I really couldn't believe what I was seeing. I screamed, "Makenna! NO! NO!" She instantly became hysterical and so I ran to get my camera, of course...Matt was pissed b/c I made him stop cleaning it so I could take a picture. I hope she learned her lesson, but I'm sure she didn't.

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