Makenna turned 11 Months old today! As you know she started walking a couple weeks ago and is finally starting to do it more and more. She walked across the kitchen to me yesterday. She really only does it when she wants to. These pictures were near impossible to get. She doesn't want to sit down or sit still. She wants to be on the move and getting into everything. Her favorite thing to do right now is crawl towards the stairs. Luckily she passes Matthew's office on the way and he can usually grab her before I do. She is also still a great eater and would eat 24/7 if we would let her. I took her and Mark the Fazoli's the other day and she was screaming at this high pitch scream because I literally could not get the spaghetti onto the fork and into her mouth fast enough. Everyone kept looking at us! Next time I think I'll take it to go! Anyway, she is still our little princess and I swear she gets more beautiful everyday. We are truly enjoying our sweet baby girl.
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