I can't believe it has been 6 months already! Time is just flying with our little girl. She is getting so big. She goes in for her 6 month check up tomorrow and I just know she is going to chunk up that scale. I'm sure the doctor will again accuse me of overfeeding her, but the girl just loves to eat! She is starting to "talk" more and more and I am pretty sure she will be a talker like her brother and father. She still loves to play on her stomach, but she will sit up and play for a long time now. As you can see her hair has basically all fallen out and as of right now it is coming in blonde. We will see as Mark's did the same thing and we all know how that turned out. She has also really started to develop her personality, which unfortuately is like her mother's. She can be so sweet one minute and then totally fiesty the next. She definitely knows what she wants and will fight to get it. She also loves to watch Mark play and jump around and is constantly laughing at him. She loves to just watch everything and take it all in. She is our little sweetheart and we feel so blessed everyday.
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