Here are some pictures of Makenna in front of her very first Christmas tree. I was so excited to get pictures of her and since Dec. 1st is tomorrow, I thought it was time to post these. She is actually really sick today with the stomach flu. I hope she feels better soon...I hate seeing her miserable!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Makenna 6 Months
I can't believe it has been 6 months already! Time is just flying with our little girl. She is getting so big. She goes in for her 6 month check up tomorrow and I just know she is going to chunk up that scale. I'm sure the doctor will again accuse me of overfeeding her, but the girl just loves to eat! She is starting to "talk" more and more and I am pretty sure she will be a talker like her brother and father. She still loves to play on her stomach, but she will sit up and play for a long time now. As you can see her hair has basically all fallen out and as of right now it is coming in blonde. We will see as Mark's did the same thing and we all know how that turned out. She has also really started to develop her personality, which unfortuately is like her mother's. She can be so sweet one minute and then totally fiesty the next. She definitely knows what she wants and will fight to get it. She also loves to watch Mark play and jump around and is constantly laughing at him. She loves to just watch everything and take it all in. She is our little sweetheart and we feel so blessed everyday.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Peas Please!
Last night we fed Makenna food for the first time. We gave her peas and at first she was eating them fine and then she started making a face and shaking her head but then she would open her mouth again for more. I don't think they are going to be her favorite food, but I think she was just so happy to be eating something besides oatmeal!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Ryan's Girl
Swimming in the Hot Tub
Mark asks Matthew every night if they can get in the hot tub and probably every other night he says yes. The other day Matthew called me out there to check out Mark's swimming skills. He jumps over to Matthew and then holds his breath, goes under water, and swims back to the other side. I was amazed and scared all at the same time. Enjoy!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Me and My Girl

Here is a picture from this past weekend of me and Makenna. We were in Detroit gathering all of my stuff at my parents house. If you haven't heard my dad was recently transferred to Hamilton, Ontario and they will be moving in a couple of weeks. I didn't want my stuff in storage and my dad didn't want to move it again so we all went up there and sorted through it all. It was a good time with a lot of old memories.
Today Mark found the Cowboy hat I got him for Christmas and he picked up his guitar to start to play. I guess he is going to be a Country Rockstar. This must be his fathers influence as he loves to hear Rascal Flatts songs before he goes to bed. He loves to sing and as Bethany heard today on the phone, he even makes up his own songs. Makenna loves watching him and smiles and laughs at him constantly. This picture I took of her today even looked like she was playing air guitar with him. It was a fun day!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Everywhere we go now, Mark has to tell everyone that looks at Makenna, "This is MY sister. It is very cute. He is so proud to have her as his sister. He loves her so much. He is constantly giving her kisses and hugs and wanting to hold her. He gets very excited in the morning when she wakes up and greets her by saying, "good morning pretty girl. Hi sweet pea. Hi pretty girl." I know they will fight and this may not last long, but I will enjoy it for now!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Staying Warm
Here is a picture of Makenna in her hat. I just think she looks so cute in it! I was afraid she wouldn't want to wear it, but she has done pretty good and hasn't fussed at all with it on. She started "talking" a lot more the past couple days and since she has been sick tonight when she started trying to make noises she couldn't because she lost her voice! It's so sad!
All Dressed Up
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Makenna's Baptism
Makenna's baptism was this past Sunday. We were thankful that so many of our family and friends were able to be there with us. She did so great through the ceremony and then fell asleep in Matthew's arms right after it. Mark tried to make it interesting by walking away from us and going towards the Church piano to try to play it. Luckily his Grandpa J stepped in and took him back to the pew. Overall it was a great weekend. We loved having everyone here. Thanks again to all!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Trick or Treating
Here are some pictures of Mark and Makenna trick or treating last night. Mark had a great time going around to all of the houses. He would hold out his bag and say, "Trick or Treat. Put the candy in here." Then when they put the candy in it he would say, "Oh, Thank You!" He was so excited. Makenna helped Matthew pass out candy and then me. It was an overall great night!
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