Monday, June 30, 2008

Say Cheese!

Now when I get the camera out to take Makenna's picture, she says, "eese." Do you think I have taken her picture a lot? I know this sounds sad, but it's actually really cute. Now she "eese's" it up for the camera!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Medieval Knight

Matthew and I decided to take Mark to Medieval Times last night to celebrate his 3rd Birthday with us. Since the next two weekends will be busy with other events we thought yesterday was the perfect day. We had him Knighted by the King and they announced his 3rd Birthday not only then, but during the show as well. We all got our picture taken with the Princess and we had front row seats to enjoy the show. He LOVED watching the horses and even got to see some up close before the show. He waved his flag and his sword the whole time and was just in awe watching the Knights and horses. Everytime the King spoke he would say, "Look! There's the King! I see the King again!" Matthew and I had a great time just watching him watch the show. He loved it and asked to go back as soon as we left.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm...

Atleast for these few moments Mark was being good. I cleaned up the entire family room this morning and he has already managed to trash it. He has cried about every little thing and has been screaming and yelling all day. Let me tell you...these are the good ole days!


I couldn't help but laugh when I went into Makenna's room this morning to get her out of bed. She had the Craziest Bed Head I have ever seen. I just kept laughing all morning and had to grab the camera. We may even need water to fix it because I just can't get it to settle down!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Too Cute

here is a picture of mark from the other day. i just thought it was too cute!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Good Times...Great Friends

My best friend Jamie was in town for one Saturday afternoon this past weekend and I couldn't wait for her to see the kids. Mark was Super excited and we all had a great time visiting with them. We miss her so much and wish we could see her more!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Crash Course

In this video, you can see that Makenna was going about her business riding her bike in peace when out of nowhere Mark decided to come in and crash into her. If I wasn't recording a video the yelling probably would have been A LOT worse. It's just another way Mark tries to take attention away from her when he's not getting enough.

Makenna's New Ride

My brother got Makenna a ride on 4-Wheeler for her First Birthday and she absolutely loves it. Everytime Mark gets out his tractor to ride we get this out for her. She is actually pretty good at it too. Here is picture and a video of her riding it. (Sorry about the lawnmower noise in the backround.)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Laundry Day

Mark and Makenna were having a great time playing with the Laundry basket the other night. Matthew and I were joking that they haven't been able to play with it before because it's always full of folded clothes! We finally got it emptied today and they are loving it!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's a Race!

The Starting Line
Mark's off to a good start...
Makenna's still not far behind...
She decides to try a different approach to catch up...

Here are some pictures of Mark and Makenna with their strollers. We got Makenna one for her first birthday and I just finally got it put together. They are both having a great time with them, and are actually starting to play nice together....well....sometimes!

Mark Headband

Mark found the ribbon from Matt's dad's father's day present from this past weekend and wanted to put it around his head. He is FINALLY getting back to his normal self. Who knows how long it will stay.

Playground Day

I took Mark and Makenna to Bicentenial Park today to run some energy out of them. They both had a great time. Makenna was even able to do everything which was good. They really enjoyed the swings and the slides.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I got this little bandana to go with Makenna's shirt and she will never keep it on her head. Today I tried to distract her and got some pictures of it on. In some of them as you can tell the wind blew it up and it looks pretty funny on her. She looked so cute in it and it's really a shame she won't keep it on longer. You can also see where her eye is trying to heal. It's a nice brownish-green color now!

*On a Mark note: The reason why it has been so long since you have seen a post about him it's because he has officially hit the Terrible Three's. (Yes, a month before turning 3) He was sick all weekend too and has just been whining and crying ALL the time! It's been a LONG couple weeks!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Put up a fight

Well, I am sad to say I don't know exactly what Mark did to her today, but I do know what the end result is....Makenna's black eye. She is tough, I will give you that and she will definitely be the toughest girl on the block with Mark as her big brother. I know this isn't the last, but hopefully it will be for a while at least! My poor girl!

Do a little Dance

Here is Makenna doing a little dance to the music on her piano. As you can see, it didn't last long and she was off and trying to climb as per her usual.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blowing Kisses

Makenna loves to blow people kisses now. She puts her hand to her mouth and then usually makes a kissing sound with her lips. She didn't do it in this particular video, but it absolutely adorable when she does. She also decided to give her horse a kiss here and got some horse hair in her mouth! (Does anyone remember when Mark did the same thing with his horse when he was just a little older than she is now? Too Funny!)

Looking Cute

I just thought this was an adorable picture of Makenna. This was a shirt that my sister loved to put on Madison and now I know why- It's just so stinkin cute! Enjoy!


Look at all the bubbles!
Hey, where did they go???
Mark-Get out of my way!!! It's mine!

Makenna got a Turbo Bubble machine for her birthday and both her and Mark absolutely love it. Here are some pictures of them playing with it the other day.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Mark and Makenna had a great time playing with our sprinkler system the other day when it kicked on. Makenna was a little unsure at first but then had a great time until Mark pushed her down in the black dirt. What are big brothers for!