Sunday, February 17, 2013

Junior Vikettes

Makenna did a Junior Vikette Clinic in January that she absolutely loved.  They had practice on Tuesday, Thursday and then performed at half time of the VHS Boys Basketballl Game on Friday Night.  She had so much fun and was grinning from ear to ear.  She takes after her brother where she sticks out her tongue when she's concentrating on something. It's too funny.  Enjoy her performance!
 Blowing us a kiss
 Getting her game face on
Ready to Perform!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day from Mark and Makenna! We Love You!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treating

It was a cold night, but Mark and Makenna were champs when it came to trick or treating.  Matt took them out and they spent an hour and a half out there.  They only came back a couple of times to dump their candy because their bags were full.  We have more candy then anyone needs for a lifetime.  I took a huge bowl to work to try to get rid of most of it.  Aunt Cebra, Uncle Mike, and Marci came over to see the kids and help me pass out candy.  Craig and Judy came by before trick or treating and we also went over to the neighbors right before.  It was a Fun Night!
 My two cuties...Look at those Baby Blues!
 Makenna's Bling
 Black Ninja
 What a Cute Ninja!
Grace, Lilly, Makenna and Mark

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Party

Matthew and I had our 9th Annual Halloween Party last weekend.  We had a great time like always.  We went as the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts.  My friend Jill came over before the party to do my makeup.  She did a fantastic job.  It was just mere coincidence that Matt's sister Marci showed up in an Alice in Wonderland costume.  So we got a good group pic of us.  :)  Enjoy!
 Matthew and I
 Me, Matt, and Marci
My crew from work

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Preview

I don't know how well my pictures are going to be on Wednesday for Halloween because it is supposed to be miserable outside, so I wanted to put some up to show some pics of Mark and Makenna in their costumes that I took last week when it was beautiful outside.  Mark is (of course) a Ninja and Makenna is a Peacock.  Happy Halloween a day early! :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma

 My Grandma at her Surprise 80th Birthday Party
 A couple scrapbook pages I made for her

Today would have been my Grandma Harrison's 85th Birthday.  I think of my Grandma everyday and dream of her often, and today is and always will be her Birthday to me.  I miss her tremendously and know that she is smiling down on all of us.  When I told Mark and Makenna that today was her Birthday, they said, "Well, I bet she's having a party up in Heaven today" and I said, "Yeah, I bet you're right." She will always be our Angel.  Happy Birthday Grandma...We Love You, Miss You, and hope you're having a Great Party. XOXO

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Here is one of the pictures that Cristy took of Mark.  I think he looks so handsome.  He is doing amazing in school and just got his first report card with grades.  He got an A+ in Spelling, an A in Math and an A- in Reading because of his handwriting.  It's pretty bad when I get upset about an A-.  His handwriting is horrendous though, so we have been trying to work with him on it.  The problem is he just rushes through everything and doesn't take his time on it.  He reads everything though and is finishing up his 3rd Magic Tree House book, so I am very proud of him.  He's also doing great in Taekwondo and just earned his Yellow Belt.  He was very excited.  And most importantly, he is still my sweet boy.  :)